Noise monitoring of industrial plants and facilities

Noise sources of an industrial plant

Environmental noise pollution caused by industrial plants and facilities is generally of a local nature, on the other hand more annoying  by way of its specificity, such as strong tonal components, impulsive character, and high levels during night time. Those specifics often make this noise more problematic than noise emitted by road or railway transport. Generally an industrial plant or facility  contains multiple emission sources. Source managers are bound to regularly monitor noise by the Rules on initial measurements and operational monitoring of noise sources and on conditions for their implementation, and to report the results to the Ministry. Evaluating noise pollution caused by an industrial plant consists of measuring its noise in different directions in the surroundings, however it also has to be estimated using calculation methods (modelling). Computational estimation is executed using the following procedure:

  • identifying noise sources and performing measurements to determine their sound power,
  • constructing an acoustic model of the plant or facility and its surroundings,
  • computationally estimating the noise pollution on site and in its surroundings,
  • evaluating the results and preparing a report.
Noise map of an industrial noise source


Epi Spektrum d.o.o. was among the first companies in Slovenia to estimate the industrial noise with computational methods. Our range of services in this field has expanded to preparing technical bases for the abatement of excessive noise, cooperating with clients in the process of implementation, and performing control measurements after implementation.
